• 正在播放樱花大战活动写真-第01集



  • 7.0HD蜡笔小新第八季野原新之助 野原美伢 野原广
  • 5.0更新至22集战国妖狐 千魔混沌篇七海弘希,内田真礼,丰崎爱生,木村良平,齐藤壮马,高田忧希,黑泽朋世,松冈祯丞,羽多野涉,伊藤静,乃村健次,稻田彻,高垣彩阳,铃木爱奈,津田健次郎,野上尤加奈,东地宏树
  • 7.0完结银魂.银之魂篇第二季杉田智和,阪口大助,钉宫理惠,石田彰,千叶进步,中井和哉,铃村健一,子安武人,日野聪,小林优,雪野五月
  • 5.0已完结超星舰队Sazer X高橋良輔,進藤学,宗方勝巳,田中優樹,森川由加里,枚田菜々子,三浦涼介,松山まみ,松永博史,Robert,Baldwin,保村真,大津田裕美,石坂ちなみ,勇太
  • 7.0已完结刀剑神域第一季松冈祯丞,户松遥,竹达彩奈,伊藤加奈惠,日高里菜,高垣彩阳,平田广明,山寺宏一
  • 5.0已完结花牌情缘第二季濑户麻沙美,宫野真守,细谷佳正,奈良彻,代永翼,茅野爱衣,石冢运升,中井和哉,入野自由,潘惠美,林原惠美
  • 樱花大战活动写真剧情介绍
The story of the movie is somewhat based on the plot of the most recent game, Sakura Wars 3, released back in March this year. While the game features Lieutenant Ohgami, the main character who takes off for Paris, narrates one side of the story, the movie unveils the secrets behind Hanagumi. Ohgami leaves for Paris, consequently leaving Hanagumi without a leader; thus a new character will be introduced here. To be replaced with Lieutenant Ohgami is the former leader of Hoshigumi, Rachette Artile - a rationalistic and distinct individual, who brings about serious problems to Hanagumi. The members are now in discord with Rachette. Meanwhile, Teikoku Kagekidan was being threatened by some irrelevant demons and a new type of anti-kouma mechas, (brought by an american company) appears and tries to replace the koubu-kai. Having made repeated mistakes due to the absence of Ohgami, Hanagumi is now faced with an unprecedented danger, while the abolishment of Teikoku Kagekidan Hanagumi is being schemed.

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